Tuesday, January 19, 2016

EOC Week 1: VW Lemon

After WWII, relations between America and Germany would have seemed to take more time than a decade and a half. The work between old wounds was entertaining. It was, what we call today, “breaking the internet”. In retrospect, it broke the advertising industry. The advertising agency Doyle Dane Bernbach (DDB) is responsible for revolutionizing modern advertising with one simple word.

The driving force behind the Volkswagen campaign was William Bernbach of DDB. Bernbach is considered the father of the “creative revolution” in the advertisement industry. “All of us who professionally use the mass media are the shapers of society. We can vulgarize that society. We can brutalize it. Or we can help lift it onto a higher level,”

The point of this ad is to accentuate VW’s purpose of only producing quality vehicles. It then describes the process that is applied to receive a passing grade regarding VW standards. While holding high standards, they defeated their history with humor.

Below the image follows a statement that proclaims that this particular car was rejected by Inspector Kurt Kroner because of a blemish on the chrome piece of the glove box.

Matching the simplicity of the ad with a simple statement contrasted the manufacturing of more eccentric features provided by American car companies. The ad was humorous and intrigued the reader to read the fine print. Before this ad, wordy ads creating an eye sore of a novel selling what, then sold selling why. They sold a belief not new features that sounded like more money to the common American. With one word, this ad changed the game of advertising forever.

Direct and to the point with a touch of humor, the ad has stood the test of time and will be remembered for many generations as a breakthrough in product to consumer relations.


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